We are excited to share that City of Bridges Community Land Trust (CLT) has officially launched and is now incorporated as a nonprofit! We can’t wait to get to work expanding the community land trust model and creating permanently affordable housing throughout the Pittsburgh region.
City of Bridges CLT will host a Launch Party to celebrate on Wednesday, October 30 at 6 pm. The party is free and community members are welcome to attend. Stop by and celebrate at the Millvale Food + Energy Hub, located at 112 E. Sherman Street in Millvale. Enjoy craft beer and food from local restaurants. Register on our Eventbrite page.
“As our City and region witness a level of growth unseen in the last half-century, safe, affordable housing–and the inter-generational wealth it can create–is moving beyond reach for far too many of our neighbors on a seemingly daily basis. Community Land Trusts are a proven tool for the creation and preservation of permanently affordable housing throughout the country,” said Interim Executive Director, Ed Nusser. City of Bridges CLT seeks to expand homeownership opportunities and reduce the risk of displacement. We are on track to meet our goal of creating 100 affordable homes within our first five years of operation.