City of Bridges Community Land Trust (CLT) is pleased to announce its newest program, aimed at creating permanently affordable homeownership in the greater Pittsburgh region. The Buyer-Initiated program offers down payment assistance to income-qualified homebuyers.
The Buyer-Initiated program provides income-qualified, mortgage-ready homebuyers with flexible grants of up to $30,000 to put toward down payments, closing costs, or home repairs on homes in the area, listed at $150,000 and under.
In return, homes purchased through this program will become a part of the City of Bridges Community Land Trust, ensuring that they are permanently affordable for low- and moderate-income households. When the home is purchased, the homebuyer owns the home and the land becomes part of the CLT. Potential homeowners from the greater Pittsburgh area, who at or below 80% of area median income, can apply for the program. For example, for a family of four, anyone with a total household income of up to $63,900 is eligible.
This program is designed to help low- and moderate-income people access homeownership and put down roots in a community.
The program was born out of the need for affordable housing in Pittsburgh. As neighborhoods continue to change, longtime residents face a higher risk of home displacement. The CLT strives to lower the risk of housing insecurity, one home at a time.